We are interested in partnering with and assisting concerned citizens, local chapters, and coalition partners in organizing electoral reform forums all across Florida. Forums are typically held on a Saturday and they last two to three hours. Each forum will cover three to four electoral reform policies, with speakers presenting on individual topics. The forum will include a breakout session for the audience to provide feedback and recommendations. A Q & A session with the speakers is typically included as well. The goal of each forum is to incorporate audience input and reach consensus on electoral reform policy advocacy at the state and local level.
Please see our calendar for upcoming Electoral Reform ForumsContact FLIER if you are interested in inviting and utilizing a member of our speaker’s bureau or coalition representative for a speaking engagement. The speaker could appear at a local political club meeting, religious group, local chamber of commerce meeting, or a house party. Each speaker will discuss FLIER’S mission, the current problems associated with Florida’s electoral and political system, and the policy solutions our coalition is working to implement throughout Florida.
Back to ListYou are invited to join our speaker’s bureau and make a presentation to a local group or local house party. You are welcome to utilize FLIER presentation materials or you can create your own electoral reform PowerPoint presentation.
Please see our resources page for available FLIER presentation materials